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What is AEGEE?



Becoming an AEGEE member

       AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe / European Students’ Forum) is a student organisation that promotes cooperation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. As a non-governmental, politically independent, and non-profit organisation AEGEE is open to students and young people from all faculties and disciplines – today it counts 13 000 members, active in close to 200 university cities in 40 European countries, making it the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe.

       AEGEE, which was founded in 1985 in Paris, puts the idea of a unified Europe into practice. A widely spread student network provides the ideal platform where young volunteers from 40 European countries can work together on cross border activities such as conferences, seminars, exchanges, training courses, Summer Universities, Case Study trips and Working Group meetings.


       By encouraging travelling and mobility, stimulating discussion and organising common projects, AEGEE attempts to overcome national, cultural and ethnic divisions and to create a vision of young people’s Europe. AEGEE operates without any national level of organisation. The structure is based on a European Level (a European Board of Directors working in Brussels, Commissions, Committees, Working Groups, and multinational Project Teams), and on a Local Level (close to 200 Antennae or local groups, forming the Network).


If you’d like to join AEGEE, consult the map of locals to find the antenna (local group) closest to you, and contact them to find out how you can become involved in their activities.

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